- Spring 2019: Vacant Storefronts Study, by UWS SOS. A study of vacancies on the UWS Broadway Corridor, and FAQs about why it’s happening.
Government Reports
The reports listed below, published by city, state and federal government departments, analyze the escalating problems of empty storefronts and disappearing retail businesses.
- October 2019: Report on Creative Economy, Scott Stringer, NYC Controller
- September 2019: Retail Vacancy in NYC: Trends and Causes, 2007-2017 , Scott Stringer, NYC Controller
- August 2019: Assessing Storefront Vacancy in NYC: 24 Neighborhood Case Studies, NYC Department of City Planning
- 2018: Small Business Profile, U.S. Small Business Administration, Office of Advocacy
- June 2017: Manhattan Supermarkets: How to Keep Them Alive, Gale A. Brewer, Manhattan Borough President
- December 2017: Planning for Retail Diversity: Supporting NYC’s
- Neighborhood Businesses, New York City Council
- December 2017: NY State Senate Annual Report on Small Business, Committee on Small Business, Fred W. Thiele, Jr., Chair
- March 2016: Red Tape Commission: 60 Ways to Cut Red Tape and Help Small Businesses Grow, Scott Stringer, NYC Controller
- March 2015: Small Business, Big Impact: Expanding Opportunity for Manhattan Storefronts, Gale Brewer, Manhattan Borough President
- Sept. 2007: UWS Rezoning Approved: NYC Department of Planning
Linked below are some of the city departments andresources for accessing data, navigating the laws and guidelines, understanding commercial zoning regulations, and exploring support offered to small businesses.
NYC Department Small Business Services (SBS)
- Homepage
- BIDS (Business Improvement Districts)
- Storefront Improvement Program
- Free Services for Small Businesses
NYC Dept. of City Planning
- Homepage
- Zoning
- Special Enhanced Commercial Districts inc. UWS (Columbus, Amsterdam, Broadway)
NY City Council
Responsible for legislation
NYC Dept. of Buildings